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Our news

Our latest news plus interesting tips and advice from our industry

Sharing with you our latest company updates, industry news, and useful information about scrapping your waste metal and UPVC material.

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Learn how to prepare and recycle different types of scrap metal, including aluminium, steel, copper, and brass, to maximize efficiency, protect the environme...

The rapid consumption of resources has led to a significant increase in waste generation. Let’s delve into the negative impact of improper disposal and the b...

Comparison of Recycling vs. Producing New Materials

Recycling plays a crucial role in lowering the carbon footprint associated with produ...

Metals can be broadly categorised into two types: ferrous and non-ferrous. Understanding the differences between these types is essential...

Scrap Metal Collection - Metal Recycling

Recycling plays a crucial role in managing waste and conserving resources, and the recycling of metals and UPVC is a prime example of thi...

Recycling metal and UPVC can provide significant environmental and economic benefits. This conservation is crucial as it mitigates the de...

We've been providing scrap metal recycling services since 2009. Here's everything you need to know about how we started and where we intend to go.

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