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Our news

Our latest news plus interesting tips and advice from our industry

Sharing with you our latest company updates, industry news, and useful information about scrapping your waste metal and UPVC material.

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Discover the factors that influence scrap metal prices, including market demand, economic conditions, production costs, and global trade policies.

Copper is a versatile metal that can be used across many applications. It is also recyclable making it highly valuable. We've put together a guide to help yo...

Whether your scrap metal is created in a domestic, commercial or construction setting, there is always the question of how to dispose of ...

As part of our investment into developing our yard and service offering, H&S Metals have added a new, fully branded, skip lorry to ou...

Tired of making too many trips to the scrapyard when you’ve got a lot of scrap to bring in?
If your job or project produces a lot of scrap metal it’s important to take the necessary precautions to protect it from theft, sin...

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